Sunday, February 10, 2008


I did alot of things besides offical meetings. When i wanted to see my land I would travel by boat. I would be surrounded by boats that had servents, tents, guards, food, drinks, and musicians. Horses and chariots followed alond on the shore. At night I would have camped on the shore. Another thing I did besides meetings was to go hunting. I was taught how to shhot a bow and drive a chariot at a young age. I went hunting in the desert with my soldier friends. we would go hunting for ostriches. As king I got to pick the fastest hosre and the best hound to race beside my chariot. After the hunt, we hould feast on roasted ostrich.

My daily life as Pharaoh

WhenI woke up my servents would come in and take me to a room off to the side and wash me and put scented oil on me. After that they would cut my hair, darken my eyelids with a black paint called Kohl. Then I put on a fine linen kilt and finally I put my gold pendants on. Then me and my wife would sit on cushions in a courtyard and eat a small meal of bread and fruits that where placed on a small table. Then my wife goes to watch the children and organize dinner parties for that evening. Then I go to meet some foreign merchants. They would meet me in the throne room where they bowed at my feet. They would want to trade wood and spices to my kingdom. They also offered gifts of gold and ostrich eggs. I would then wave my hand and the servants would come and take the gifts and I would welcome them to my kingdom. Then a royal officer needs my approval on expanding irragation along the nile. After we talked for a while I would dismiss him and go hane my mid day meal with my wife. We are served a meal of beef, figs, vegetables, and some fine wine. After lunch servents take me to inspect the irrigation project and meets with a high priestess who advised me to approve it. Then i would relax and play a game of Dogs and Jackals. At the end of the day i meet my wife and guest for an evening of eating and dancing.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Strength of our Army

my army was strong but we only used bronze and copper weapons. Are enemys the Hittites used iron weapons which did not break as easy as the copper or bronze did. For shields we used tough dried Ox-hide. (Tutankamen by Brain Williams)

Toys and Games when I was young

Some of the toys I played with were balls with rattles, and mices that you pulled behind and the their tails move. Some of the games i played were Tug-of-war, and leapfrog. Some board games i played was Senet, and Snakes. The way you played snakes was players moved counters up a snakes head which was in the middle, and the first person there wins. (Tutankamen by Brain Williams)

Family and Important role model

My mom is Kiya and my dad is King Akhenaten. Ay tought me about my famliy history. The scribes thought how to read and write. All my leasons where hold in the kings library which was full of clay tablets and papyrus for me to read (Tutankhamen By Brain Williams).

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Major Achievements

I brought peace thourght out egypt when i ruled.

I restored Thebes, a scared city of Amon, which was made the capital of Egypt.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Basic information

I was born in Tell el Amarna, Eygpt in 137o B.C. My birth name was Tutankhaten. I married the third daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Her birth name was Ankhesenpaaten. She later changed her Ankhesenamun after I changed mine to Tutankhamun. We had no kids together. When i came to the throne I had two army generals advising me. Their names were Ay and horemheb. I followed as Akhenatens immediate successor. I returned the royal court to memphis where was when Amenhotep III ruled. I wrote the Restoration of Stela, in the Karnak temple of Amun. (The resource center)